Tarcsys Corporation | Services
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We reduce security risks against your entire organization through implementation of our enterprise-wide security solutions. These can meet the security requirements of even the most demanding IT environments..


Our Managed Security Service comes with all the security controls you need to manage risk, and cost-effectively fill gaps in your security infrastructure.


With no long-term investments in equipment or applications required, our MSSP is a service that is purchased as a subscription rather than a capital expenditure.


In turn this lowers your cost of ownership and allows the highly skilled staff of certified consultants ensures the safety of your data.

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Components of Tarcsys MSSPs service


  • Threat Detection: Recognize threats to data and security posture
    • Intrusion Detection (Network / Host)
    • File Integrity Monitoring
  • Security Intelligence: Review alerts to determine system events and the extent of their impact
    • Alerting & Reporting
    • Event Correlation & Filtering (SIEM)
  • Vulnerability Scans & Review: Scanning to determine assets vulnerable to attacks
  • Log Monitoring & Storage: Store and review system logs to meet security requirements
  • Traffic Behavior Monitoring: Review network traffic for suspicious activity
    • Services & Infrastructure Monitoring
    • Network Protocol Analysis/Full Packet Capture
    • Network Flow Analysis
  • Virtual Soc (vSOC): Originally Security Operation Centers (SOC) were designed to be a centralized operation center to maintain visibility of your security posture. A virtual SOC (VSOC) performs this function as a secure web-based tool that allows you to easily monitor the security of your systems in real-time.
Information technology devices security concept. Businessman click on button with padlock linked to IT devices (PC, notebook, tablet, mobile phone).


Our Incident Response Services help you plan for security incidents before they happen. We provide the help and expertise you need when they do occur.


The Tarcsys approach to responding to incidents is based on 3 main areas: Detection, Analysis and Remediation.


  • Detection: The most important part of incident response. The detection of compromise can range from simple and immediate to difficult more advanced attacks in your network.


  • Analysis: Accurate decisions can only be made from proper analysis. With detailed analysis from incident responders, Tarcsys is able to develop a comprehensive understanding of the incident to properly advise our clients.


  • Remediation: Failing to properly remediate after an incident will greatly increase the opportunity that the breach continues or occurs again in the future.
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Components of Incident Response services

  • Detection:We use our extensive security and forensic investigation experience to detect and confirm computer security incidents.


  • Analysis:We perform a rapid initial analysis to determine an incident’s scope.


  • Containment: We quickly contain incidents before they can spread and overwhelm resources or cause more damage.


  • Eradication:We eliminate the components that facilitated the incident, such as deleting malicious code and disabling breached accounts.


  • Reporting:We provide expert reports to help you learn from the incident and improve your response in the event of a next time.